Saturday, April 08, 2006


there is a profusion of blogs especially the kind for networking and ... makes me wonder do these people have so much time. because they have alot of detail on these blogs. right from teh screeen color and image and the various kinds of doodling. i lost it the ability to write or blog a couple years ago and am only very slowly getting into chronicling my life, insights and perspectives intot the goings on in the world. a world that is centered around me. (pls. its a secret that i control the world. dont let that slip out. the benefits of controling the human is immense). anyway, the dificulty of maintaing these different site is their profusion and i have friends on different services inviting me to become a member. so i have decided i will do my little bit of telling my stories. i have stories and i am bursting at the brim to tell them. but thepace at which i tell the stories is much much faster than my finger can type or eyes can read, so i may be a poor story writer. but i have decided that when i do write i will copy the same on to every one of my existing blogs/journals. my present blogs are on xanga, myspace, facebook, h2g2, and blogspot. i started writing h2g2 about 4 or 6 years ago and lost the password and even the link till i got an email regarding one of my blogs. i am going to develop that blog as some thing between intellectual philosphying and journaling. i have a few articles i want to write that may go on that site and either be published in future in some media or as a book. the blogspot began when i migrated my web journal. it was also after the meltdown that led me to stop writing (it was a girl that melted me, and it toook a long while to get in form again). anyway, since i have the blog spot entries on my hard disk and i am bored of what i have written there, i will probably delete its contents and let it reflect this blog. xanga and myspace i started only a few days ago i think, because i have nothing better or more exciting to do. and yes i do have time, alot of it, but only for one real journal.

you wont find too many people wiht my name or user name on the web. so go search me out.