cooking! I do cook, and it turns out good pretty often
Well it really does turn out pretty good very often, usually a little salt or ground black peppers solve the taste, and I have never fallen ill from eating my food, nor anyone else that I know off. So I just got back from a week of hanging from the skies. Was in New york and the suburbs of Philadelphia over the past two weeks. I even experienced the early morning symptoms of the foiled terrorist attacks at PHL. The last two weeks has seen me with a bruise on my arm (it still is there) a signature of what a city like New York will do to me and a huge dent in my wallet. So I got back yesterday morning and pretty much slept most of the day and also watched two movies before sleeping again. Today the agenda was pretty relaxed - cook the chicken in the freezer. OK! So after purchasing all the unavailable ingredients such as the frying pan among a few trivial others I got home and started preparing the marinade to cook the meat in over a low heat. This has been the most difficult cooking experience in my life, besides the times when I fought off giant robber crabs from my simmering stew on the islands, or the chickens that stole food from my plate. Thirty minutes on the onions in the pan were just browning but firm and there was no aroma permeating the room and into any of the fabrics. But I continued adding spices and stirring and readying the meat when it struck me that the pan's handle was pretty pretty hot and I was sweating (my courduroy pants stuck to my balls). The pan was set to a high temperature on the rear heating element but I was sweating, whaaat!! I just realized I had not burned myself, the front heating element was at the high heat setting and it was now 45 minutes since I began the cooking process. Well I got things right now and the meat I tell you tastes awesome. Did I mention I add different fruits to flavour my foods, adds character to my cuicine.
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