Craig Ferguson interview
In a recent issue of Men's Health magazine was an interview with Craig Ferguson. You know him from the Drew Carey Show and the Late Late Show on CBS. Adn reading that interview I realized something that I fortunately have been able to realize sooner than later. Craig lost his father recently and he dedicated a show on CBS to eulogize his father. But what was most poignant was his statement that it is when your father passes away that you realize you had better know how to carve the turkey and say Grace at Thanks Giving, for now you are the head of the family. I wondered on this and it struck me that it is this bond across generations and the shouldering of responsibilities that makes us nurture and preserve our cultures and traditions. Tradition and the cultures therefrom are our ultimate refuges in life and when our parents and grand parents are no more to guide us, that is when we realize that we have become the protectors of our cultures.
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