Thursday, October 19, 2006

attack of the sting rays

things must be really bad if
Kim Jong Il detonated a nuke, but he is crazy
the earth is heating up that winter last year tasted like spring
and Steve Irwin got stabbed by a sting ray.
what is the common thread here ?
well all crazy people detonate nukes - Americans, Russians, Brits, French, Indians, Koreans, Pakis (they really hate being called Paki)
so crazy people will eventually detonate nukes if not done already.
the earth is heating up and nothing is stopping it, we ripped the ozone, dried the rivers and lakes
ate al the fish, had sex with animals and now the same sex, and cars.
steve irwin got stabbed by a sting ray and we thought that was a freak accident.
Alas it was a warning. the only warning of the Attack of the Suicide Rays. It has been reoprted that Suicide Rays hired by the Al quaeda have been jumping on to boats and stabbing people to death. Of course they do all this before the chef makes sushi out of them.

be warned make sure you are the chef.